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Selection of double metal thermometer and installation notes

author:huining   add time:2016-01-12 09:31:42   browse:


In the selection of double metal temperature time to fully consider the actual application environment and requirements, such as the dial diameter, the accuracy level, the installation of fixed, measured medium types and environmental risks, etc.. In addition, but also pay attention to cost and maintenance of the workload and other factors. In addition, the use of dual metal thermometer should pay attention to the following points:

1, double metal thermometer protection tube immersed in the measured medium length must be greater than the length of the temperature sensing element, the general immersion length is greater than 0-50, 100mm degrees Celsius range of immersion length greater than 150mm, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.

2, various types of double metal thermometer should not be used for measuring the temperature of the medium in the open container, the electric contact thermometer should not be used in the control loop of the large working vibration.

3, double metal thermometer in the storage, use, installation and transportation, should avoid the collision protection tube, not to make the protection tube bending deformation and the table when the wrench used.

4, double metal thermometer in the normal use of the case should be regularly tested. Generally every six months is appropriate. Electrical contacts are not allowed to work under strong vibration, so as not to affect the reliability of the contact point.

5, the instrument often working temperature is best able to scale in the range of 1/3 ~ 2/3.

on aIndustrial thermocouple common sense
nextMethod for measuring error of WSS double metal thermometer


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