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Photovoltaic cable

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Solar energy technology will become the future of green energy technologies, solar or photovoltaic (PV) in China become more and more widely used, in addition to the government support the development of photovoltaic power generation factory quick outside, private investors are also actively build factories, plans to put into operation in global sales of solar modules.

Product model: photovoltaic cable

Conductor cross section: photovoltaic cable

Many countries are still in the learning phase. There is no doubt that, in order to obtain the best profit, the industry enterprises, all need to have many years of experience in the field of solar energy applications and companies to learn.

Building an economically efficient and profitable photovoltaic power plant represents the most important goals and core competencies of all solar manufacturers. In fact, profitability depends not only on the efficiency of the solar module itself or high performance, but also can not be separated from a range of surface components without a direct relationship with the component. But all of these components (such as cables, connectors, junction boxes) should be selected based on the long-term investment objectives of the tender. The high quality of the selected components can be avoided due to high maintenance costs and the solar system can not be profitable.

For example, it is often not considered a key part of the wiring system that connects the PV modules to the inverter,

However, if the use of solar energy applications can not be used for cable, will affect the life of the entire system.

In fact, the solar system often used in harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature and ultraviolet radiation. In Europe, sunny day will lead to the scene temperature of the solar system is up to 100 DEG C. At this point, we can use a variety of materials PVC, rubber, TPE, and high quality cross link materials. But it is a pity that the rated temperature for 90 DEG C rubber cable, and even rated temperature is 70 degrees of PVC cable often used outdoors. Obviously, this will greatly influence the service life of the system.

The production has been 20 years of history of the solar HUBER+SUHNER cable. The use of such European cable solar equipment has been used for more than 20 years, and is still in good working condition.

Environmental stress

Photovoltaic applications, outdoor use materials should be based on ultraviolet radiation, ozone, extreme temperature changes and chemical erosion and. In the use of low-grade materials under stress to the environment, will lead to the cable sheath is fragile, even decomposition of cable insulation. All of this will directly increase the risk of loss of the cable system, the cable short circuit occurred at the same time will also increase, from the long-term perspective, the possibility of a fire or personal injury is also higher.

HUBER+SUHNER RADOX® solar cable is a kind of electron beam cross link cable, rated temperature is 120 ~ C, in which equipment can withstand the harsh climate and subjected to mechanical shock. According to the international standard IEC216, RADOX® solar cable, in the outdoor environment, the service life is 8 times of rubber cables, PVC cable is 32 times. These cables and components not only has the best anti wind resistance, ultraviolet and ozone corrosion resistance, temperature change and can withstand greater range (e.g. from - 40 DEG C to 125 DEG C).

The potential danger to cope with high temperatures, manufacturers tend to use double insulated rubber sheathed cable (for example: H07 RNF). But the standard version of the cable is only allowed for the highest working temperature is 60 DEG C under. In Europe, on the roof that can measure the temperature value is as high as 100 ~ C.

RADOX® the rated temperature of solar cable is 120 degrees C (can be used for 20000 hours). This value corresponds to the rated continuous temperature at 90 DEG C can be used for 18 years; and when the temperature is below 90 DEG C, the longer service life. Usually, the requirements of solar equipment life should reach 20 to 30 years.

Based on the above reasons, the use of special solar cables in the solar system and components is very necessary.

Resistance to mechanical load

In fact, during installation and maintenance, cable wiring in the roof structure with a sharp edge, while the cable must withstand pressure, bending, tension, cross tension load and strong impact. If the cable sheath strength is not enough, seriously damage the insulation layer of the cable will, thus affecting the entire cable life, or lead to short circuit, fire and personnel injury risk issues.

The radiation cross linking material with high mechanical strength. Cross linking process changed the chemical structure of the polymers, hot melt plastic material conversion for non fusible elastomer material, radiation cross link significantly improved the cable insulating material thermal properties, mechanical properties and chemical properties.

As the world's largest solar market, Germany has encountered all problems related to the selection of cables. Now in Germany, more than 50% of the equipment is dedicated to the use of solar energy applications RADOX&reg HUBER+SUHNER; cable.

RADOX® appearance quality

RADOX cable:

Perfect concentric degree of cable core

Sheath thickness

Smaller diameter and cable core distribution

Diameter of cable is larger (than RADOX cable diameter is 40%).

Sheath thickness uneven (caused by the surface defects of the cable)

main performance

Electrical properties

1 DC resistance

Finished cable 20 degrees when the DC resistance of the conductive wire core is not greater than 5.09 /km.

2 immersion voltage test

Finished cables (20m) in the (20 + 5) immersion time in the water immersion time 5min after the 1H voltage test (AC 6.5kV or DC 15kV) does not breakdown.

3 long term DC voltage

Sample length of 5m, into (85 + 2) C containing 3% sodium chloride (NaCl) of distilled water (240 + 2) h, both ends of the water 30cm. DC voltage of 0.9kV cores and water (water conductive wire core is connected with the positive pole, negative polarity). The specimen is removed after the voltage test in water, the test voltage is AC 1kV, requires no breakdown.

4 insulation resistance

20 degrees of finished cable insulation resistance of not less than 1014. Cm,

90 degrees of finished cable insulation resistance of not less than 1011. Cm.

5 sheath surface resistance

The surface of finished cable sheath resistance should not be less than 109.

performance test

1 pressure test at high temperature (GB/T 2951.31-2008)

Temperature (140 + 3) 240Min, C, k=0.6, indentation depth does not exceed 50% of the total thickness of insulation and sheath. And AC6.5kV, 5min voltage test, no breakdown requirements.

2 damp heat test

Samples in 90 degrees Celsius temperature, relative humidity 85% of the environment placed 1000h, after cooling to room temperature compared with before the test, the tensile strength change rate is less than or equal to 30%, the elongation of the change rate is less than or equal to 30%.

3 acid solution test (GB/T 2951.21-2008)

Two groups of samples were immersed in concentration 45g / L. oxalic acid solution and the concentration of 40g / L sodium hydroxide solution, temperature of 23 degrees, 168h, and leaching solution compared to before, the tensile strength change rate is less than or equal to + 30%, elongation is greater than or equal to 100%.

4 compatibility test

The whole cable by 7 * 24 hours. (135 + 2) C after aging, insulation aging before and after the change in tensile strength is less than or equal to + 30% rate, the variation of the breaking elongation rate is less than or equal to + 30%; sheath before and after aging tensile strength change rate is less than or equal to 30%, the variation of the breaking elongation rate is less than or equal to + 30%.

5 low temperature impact test (GB/T 2951.14-2008 8.5)

Cooling temperature of - 40 DEG C, time is 16h, the falling mass 1000g, impact mass 200g, falling height of 100mm, surface should not have eyesight visible cracks.

6 low temperature bending test (GB/T 2951.14-2008 8.2)

Cooling temperature (- 40 + 2 DEG C 16h, rod diameter is 4 ~ 5 times of cable diameter, around 3 ~ 4 laps, test after sheath surface should not have eyesight visible crack.

7 ozone resistance test

The length of specimen 20cm, placing 16h dry containers. The bending test specimen diameter of cable diameter (2 + 0.1) times, temperature test box: (40 + 2) temperature, relative humidity (55 + 5)%, the concentration of ozone (200 + 50) * 10-6%, the air flow rate: 0.2 to 0.5 times the volume of the chamber /min. Sample test 72h test box, after the surface of the sheath with no visual crack.

8 weather resistance / UV test

Each cycle: sprinkler 18min, xenon lamp drying 102min, (65 + 3) DEG C temperature, relative humidity 65%, wavelength 300 ~ 400 nm under the condition of minimum power: (60 + 2) w / m2. After 720h in room temperature bending test. Bar diameter of cable diameter is 4 ~ 5 times, after the test surface of the sheath with no visual crack.

9 dynamic penetration test

Under the condition of room temperature, cutting speed 1N/s cutting test number: 4 times, each test sample must continue to move forward 25mm, and clockwise rotation of 90 DEG. Record of spring steel needle and a copper wire contact moment penetration F, the mean is more than 150 Dn1/2 N (4mm2 section Dn=2.5mm)

10 dent resistance

Take three samples, each sample is 25mm apart and rotate 90 DEG produced a total of four dent, the dent depth 0.05mm and copper wire perpendicular to each other. 3 sections of samples were placed in -15, room temperature, +85 test box 3h, and then in their respective test box wrapped in the core shaft, the diameter of the core shaft (3 + 0.3) times the diameter of the cable. Each sample at least one notch located outside. AC0.3kV immersion voltage test is carried out without breakdown.

11 sheath thermal shrinkage test (11 in 2951.13-2008 GB/T)

Samples cut from the length L1=300mm, within 120 DEG C oven placed 1h after removing the cooling to room temperature, repeat 5 times of thermal cycling, finally cooling to room temperature, sample heat shrinkage rate is less than or equal to 2%.

12 vertical burning test

Finished cables in (60 + 2) after placing 4h, the 18380.12-2008 GB/T provisions of the vertical combustion test.

13 halogen content test

PH and conductivity

Sample placement: 16h, temperature (21 ~ 25 DEG C), humidity (45 ~ 55)%. Sample two, each (1000 + 5) Mg, crushed to 0.1mg below the particle. Air flow (0.0157, D2) l / H + 10%, combustion boat and burning furnace effective fringe spacing between equal to or greater than 300mm, combustion boat at the temperature must be greater than or equal to 935 DEG C, from combustion boat at 300 m (along the direction of air flow temperature shall be more than or equal to 900 DEG C.

Test samples generated gas by containing 450ml (pH 6.5 + 1.0; conductivity is less than or equal to 0.5 mu S/mm) distilled water gas washing bottles are collected, the test cycle: in 30 minutes. Requirements: PH = 4.3; conductivity less than or equal to 10 mu S/mm.

Content of important elements

Cl and Br content

Sample placement: 16h, temperature (21 ~ 25 DEG C), humidity (45 ~ 55)%. Sample two, each (1000 ~ 500) Mg, broken to 0.1mg.

Air flow (0.0157 / D2) H-1 / L + 10%, the sample is uniformly heated 40min to (800 + 10) C, and maintain 20min.

Test sample gas produced by containing 220ml/ a 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution of gas washing bottle absorb; two gas wash bottle of liquid into the flask, and using distilled water cleaning gas washing bottle and its accessories and injected into the flask add to 1000ml, after cooling to room temperature, with a straw will 200ml measured solution to drop in volumetric flask, adding concentrated nitric acid 4 ml, 20 ml of 0.1M silver nitrate, 3ml of nitrobenzene and stir to white floc deposition; adding 40% ammonium sulfate aqueous solution and a few drops of nitric acid solution to be completely mixed, with a magnetic stirrer for stirring, addition of ammonium thiocyanate titration solution.

Requirements: two sample mean test value: HCL = 0.5%; HBr = 0.5%;

Each sample test value is less than two samples to test the mean value of the 10%.

F content

25 ~ 30mg sample material into the 1L oxygen vessel, drops 2 to 3 drops of alkane alcohol, joins 0.5M 5ml sodium hydroxide solution. So that the sample will burn residue by slightly flushing in a 50ml beaker.

The 5ml buffer mixed with washing and liquid sample solution, and achieve the marking. Draw calibration curve, the fluoride concentration of the sample solution, and obtain the percentage content of fluoride in the sample.

Requirements: less than 0.1%.

14 mechanical properties of insulation and sheath materials

Aging of insulation tensile strength is more than or equal to 6.5N/mm2, elongation at break is more than or equal to 125%, sheathed tensile strength is more than or equal to 8.0N/mm2, fracture elongation is more than or equal to 125%.

The (150 + 2) C, 7 * 24 hours after aging, insulation and sheath before and after aging tensile strength change rate is less than or equal to 30%, insulation and sheath before and after aging variation rate of elongation is less than or equal to 30%.

15 thermal extension test

20N/cm2 loads, the sample after (2 + 3) C, 15min heat extension test, insulation and sheath elongation of intermediate value should be less than 100%, the specimen from inside the oven removed after cooling marker line distance increased amounts of intermediate values of specimen put into the oven before the percentage of the distance should be not more than 25%.

16 heat life

According to EN 60216-1, EN60216-2, Alexyevna curve, temperature index is 120 DEG C. Time 5000h. The insulation and sheath elongation retention rate: 50%. After bending test at room temperature. Bar diameter is 2 times of the cable diameter. The test surface of the sheath with no visual crack. Life expectancy: 25 years.

Cable selection

In solar photovoltaic power generation system in low voltage DC transmission parts using the cable, because of the use of different environmental and technical requirements, for different parts of the connection has different requirements, the overall to consider factors: cable insulation performance, heat-resistant and flame-retardant properties, aging properties and wire diameter specifications. Specific requirements are as follows:

1, solar cell components and components of the connection between the cable, the general use of the connection box cable connected to the connection cable, the length of the cable can also be used to extend the cable. According to the component power of different size, the connection cable cross-sectional area of 2.5m square meters, 4.0m meters, 6.0m meters three specifications. This kind of connection cable uses the double insulated sheath, which has the advantage of anti ultraviolet, water, ozone, acid and salt.

Cable connection between 2, battery and inverter, required by the UL test multi ply cord, as close as possible to the connection. Select short and thick cable to reduce the loss, improve efficiency, enhance the reliability of the system.

Third, between cell array and controller or the DC terminal box connecting cables, also requires the use of through the UL test multi strand flexible cord, cross-sectional area of specifications according to the matrix maximum current output and.

Name parts of DC cable section area on the basis of the following principles determine: solar cell components between components and connections between the cable, the battery and the battery connection load cable, communication cable, selection of cable rated current is 1.25 times the maximum continuous working current of each cable; solar cell array and matrix between connecting cable, battery (Group) and between the inverter connecting cable, generally selected the cables rated current is 1.5 times the maximum continuous working current of each cable.


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